September 18-19, 2024 9/18/2024 3:01:05 PM 7/19/2024 3:01:21 PM Europe/London


The leading industry news resource; industry awards and international b2b conference and exhibitions for the sector 5 - 7 Tavistock Place London, WC1H 9SN International Hospitality Media
Mary Ward House, Bloomsbury, LONDON LONDON

Iain Murray


Iain Murray

Head of operational living

Iain leads a team of specialist Operational Living Consultants and Research Analysts at Bidwells, based
in its London office, with over 140 clients from the UK, Ireland and Spain. The team have worked on over
60k+ Rental Homes and Student Beds covering PBSA, Co-living, Build to Rent, Single Family
Housing/Rental, Later/Senior Living and Retirement.

Iain is considered a veteran of the Living sector adding it to his 38-year career. The past projects on his
CV are considerable, over £8bn of schools and hospitals in the PPP market as a Partner at G&T, the
Estates Rationalisation Project for HMNB Clyde (Faslane & Coulport), over 50 Care Homes both
Developed and Operated, and a strong background in FM including a term as Chair of the Professional
Institute for FM the now IWFM and Deputy Chair of Global FM.

Iain entered the Rental Living Sector over a decade ago founding LIV Consult, alongside Graham Bates,
and the LIV Group, before selling the business to Cortland in 2019. Bidwells acquired the Operational
Consultancy Team in April this year. The team are known for their knowledge leadership in Operational
Living and Iain is recognised as a subject leader and an accomplished speaker in the industry. He and
his team have delivered advice on over £6.2bn of assets.

Iain is Chair of the Association of Rental Living Scottish Hub, sits on their Strategic Group for the UK and
is a member of the Whole Life Cost Hub. Iain is also a mentor for the ULI.

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“This was my first attendance at the Urban Living Festival which I found to be informative, well structured featuring some great panels and speakers and – what makes it different and stand out from many other conferences – the calibre of attendees and their clear willingness to listen, learn and comment on current issues facing the residential and hospitality sectors – all in all a fascinating and ‘well worth the visit’ occasion.”

Guy Windsor-Lewis, CEO and founder, Locale

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